
Equinox Blurb
‘Upon the lands, the tides of darkness flow over the six kingdoms enthralling them in the midnight mist, when this legacy comes to pass, the heavens will bring forth a soldier wrapped in strange clothes not native to this world protected by two guardians, he will come as a savior of the world and reunite it in a wave of light’
A prophecy has been passed down through the people of Nyris, speaking of a hero that would arrive through a hole in space and time, and on that day he would aid the people in defeating the destructive reavers, a large force that is bent on destroying all and creating it a new.
On the 18th April 1991, a family’s life was turned upside down when their house is burnt to the ground with the mother still inside, as the father carries Clix out of the house he sees a shadow cut down his mother and laugh and then vanish. This resulted in many horrible dreams about the situation.
Even now at the age of 21, Clix feels that this event was real despite his father telling him otherwise, leaving sever doubt in his mind. During a break whilst at university, Clix attempts to understand his dreams with the help of his friends Viktor, Ray and Jessica but as he does a large beast emerges from a worm hole. His father and lecturer rush over to send away the beast but in the end it escapes knocking Clix, Viktor and Ray in with it.
They awake on a strange planet, Nyris a world filled with beauty and horror that they have never seen. It would seem that the prophecy is about to unfold.
Join Clix, Viktor, Ray, Kimberly, Natali, Gerald, Jessica and Maiyth as they journey across the lands of Nyris to defeat the ones known as the reavers who intend to use the power of the Vernal Equinox to destroy the world.