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Character Concept: Isonash 

‘Dystopian, 13th Century, Hokkaido, Eerie, Monotonous, Silky, Durable, Conspicuous’


Eerie – Ghostly, Supernatural, Bizarre, Mysterious

Monotonous – Humdrum, Tiresome, Repetitive

Silky – Delicate, Satiny, Silken, Plush, Luxurious

Durable – Lasting, Dependable, Strong, Abiding, Impervious

Conspicuous – Distinct, Discernible, Visible 


Character Background


The Island of Ezo; known as Hokkaido in modern times and the birth place of Ainu people, a group of varying tribes that lived off the land and worshipped the Gods of nature. Many of the tribes fight for superiority over Ezo forcing the smaller tribes into submission, except for one lone devoted tribe in the south east of the Island who knew that their gods would not let them suffer. However for days to come this would not be the case as the larger tribes put pressure on them to join their cause.

The tribe continued their days, hunting for scraps but to no avail. Their food sources were becoming scarce as the larger tribes continued to dominate the land, taking all the resources and anything they could find for themselves.


The days became full of misery as the oppression of the large tribes rained down upon them. That is until one day a miracle began to happen...


Within this downtrodden tribe, a young male by the name of Isonash lay sleeping as strange ghostly voices began to speak to him in his head. It told him over and over that he had been chosen by the gods to be the saviour of the Ainu, for them to grow and expand their territory, bring the tribes together and make sure they are well looked after. Isonash responded with glad tidings that the gods were watching out for him and the tribe he belonged to but he was a mere boy, how would be able to help? The gods simply replied ‘the bear will guide you to true potential’ before they vanished.


Isonash awakes after this peculiar series of events to find a Bear Cub sat staring at him in, its head tilted to one side. Not believing his eyes he reached out to touch the Cub to see if it was real or a figment of his imagination due to lack of food...It was most definitely real.   


A brilliant light lit the entire hut as Isonash covered his eyes due to its radiance, as it disappeared he noticed the Bear cub had vanished but something felt different to him. He looked down to see he wore strange garbs and armour emblazoned with the distinct insignia of the gods. The bear cub had fused with him, its fur lay across his shoulders and head wrapped his own like a hood as the main body flew behind him like a cape, his body was wrapped in a strange silken armour that felt soft to the touch but also strong and filled with light and hope, dark leather boots and gloves enveloped his hands and feet. Upon his back lay an intricately designed Bow and Quiver that glowed with a radiance that was not meant for mortal eyes, the arrows each decorated with spotted owl feathers and sharp enough to pierce the darkest of nights.


Isonash left his home and began his journey out into the Island of Ezo, not only to save those who were suffering but to stop those who force the plight of the land, but even with the power of the gods would it be enough... 




Isonash is 15 years of age. He has jet black hair, it is medium in length and just stops two inches below the base of his neck. He ties it into a ponytail so that it is out of the way whilst hunting. He has a set of pale green eyes that are piercing to look at and a set of fairly sharp and angled features due to his initial lack of food. On his chin sits a small goatee and a moustache atop his lip that again are jet black. He is also quite tall for his age, being around 5'10 but he is relatively skinny with only a bit of muscle around his arms and chest from archery practice. 


His attire is based around the bear as mentioned in his background. It sits atop his head like a hood and wraps around his front so it does not fall off, the silken armour is very similar to a karate garb; It opens wide at the chest but it does not have any sleeves. He has a tribal tattoo down his left arm that symbolises the hunt, that each kill he makes is for the gods he serves. His gloves are fingerless to give him extra grip across his bow and his boots are fairly thick so his feet stay protected during his long travels.


As his story progresses he begins to age, where his hair gets a salt and pepper sheen to it. His body grows and he becomes more muscular in apperance.  

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