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Writing Project


A continuous project I started a few months back. The aim of this project is to build upon my abilities as a creative writer designer and have a selection of pieces available to view. 


I set up a system to receive information from various people, where I would ask for the following:  


  • a time period

  • a genre

  • a location

  • 1-5 descriptive completely random words


Once I received these details I began to research into the time period and location chosen and also looked into alternatives for the descriptive words to give them different meanings. With this information I would then develop either a Character background, game concept or a short story based on the genre chosen, the other information helped build the piece by giving focus to the mechanics, character or setting of each . 


Here are a selection of examples, two game concepts and two character backgrounds. More will be added to my blog, so check it out regularly to see updates on the project! 



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